Wednesday, July 6, 2011

T-Ball and Tutu's

After Yesterday's word only post..
This will be a picture post..
light on the words.
I am pretty sure I just heard a "hallelujah" in the distance..
I would be more upset if if not for the fact that my kid's are insanely cute..
and the realization that everyone needs a little break from the randomness that is my brain. 
Happy trees,internet slang,B's beards, oh my!

Just so it is clear.. I have the best husband ever.. and the kids have the best Daddy..
If I was going to write a full post, I would discuss how adorable Ari's baseball attire is.
I do realize that for a Picture Post this is getting pretty wordy.
Sorry about that.

1 comment:

  1. The tutu is awesome but the tongue sticking out is the icing on the cake.
