Monday, June 20, 2011

A little Fu Manchu For You..

June 15th was a joyous occasion..
The Bruin's won the Stanley Cup..
And while that was wonderful on it's own..
I had another reason to celebrate..
The Stanley Cup was over..
Which means the Bruin's Beard my husband had been rocking was over too..
We had to wait until the Bruin's parade..
for him to shave the beard..
because obviously they are strict rules when it comes to such matters..
And then we had to wait until I could take pictures detailing the experience..
So that means today was the big day..

There are lots of things you can say about this video..
One being I have too much time on my hands..
please don't say that though..

One reason I am excited about him getting rid of his B's beard 
Is because when he says B's beard,
I have to say B's beard beats Battle Star gallactica...
I literally have to say it..
And I am tired of saying it.
OK one last time..
B's beard beats Battle Star Galactica..
and Bears beat beets..
I would offer a fun prize for whoever could tell me what show that is from..
But if  making videos about beards is what I do for fun..
I wouldn't trust my definition of fun prize..
So it would just be best to stop typing.


  1. Oh my goodness! This is awesome, and the two of you couldn't possibly be any cuter!

  2. HAHAHAHA! When I got up this morning I decided Monday could become my favorite day of the week (nevermind this is my summer break) and the day just keeps better and better!! LOVE THIS!!!!!

  3. The Office!!! Kara, this rocks!
