Thursday, March 10, 2011

LOL and other non real things..

I just said
BTW and for realz
in the same sentence..
I blame facebook..

The actually conversation went like this
Me: "BTW we are going to your Auntie's today, for realz."
Gibson: "Wow, that's awesome Momma!"
Notice that my 3 year son has a better grasp of the English language than me.

While I am on the topic..
of things the Internet has made us say..
Here us my philosophy on LOL
Ok philosophy aka Pet Peeve..

The phrase is over used..
You see a picture of a cat wearing a cowboy hat and really you laugh out loud?
I am not buying it..
(don't get me started on my philosophy on cat's wearing cowboy hats)
aka Pet Peeve

Perhaps the use of SATCJN
which means
smiled at the computer just now.
is a better fit.
I mean it could catch on, right?
I just made you SATCJN.
Or not.

I am pretty sure I just made my spell check cry with all the made up words I used..
Poor spell check.


  1. Haha, i totally overuse LOL! And i think SATCJN would totally be a better fit! Lets start using it!
