Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuesdays with Ari

Kind of like Tuesday's with Morrie...
Only not at all.

All my kids are characters..
I have to refrain myself from posting status updates with all the things they say 
because I would spend way too much time on facebook..
oh yeah..
and it would be annoying...

Ari girl has been coming up with some gems lately though..
that are begging to be shared..

As I am heading to the dr's office for a check up..
She hands me 2 dimes.
Aria: Is that enough to pay the dr to get the baby out?
Me: Well no, honey that's....
Proceeds to hands me a chuckee cheese coin.
Aria: How about now?
Umm.. if she is going to bribe people she needs to get a job.
Also her sweet motives of wanting to meet the baby are actually wanting Court and I to go to the hospital so their Memaw will stay with them.... because Grandparents are cooler than parents

After another dr's appointment (boy, am I exciting)
Aria: What was your blood pressure?
Me: making up a number because I never keep track of that stuff.
Aria: Ok, good.

Aria crying because she stepped on a toy train.
Me: Ok sweetie, lets look at it and clean it up. I will put a band aid on it.
Aria: NO WE ARE OUT OF HELLO KITTY BANDAIDS! No other bandaids work!
HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Throws the offending train away, to the screams of Jack protesting.
Aria: Jackson, I am doing this for your own good!!!!!!
Oh my,
Ari, save the drama for your ma....
oh, I guess you did.

And last but not lest..
Aria playing with her dollhouse.
Aria: "Husband, can you get me an ice coffee? The kid's didn't nap today."
Court, if you are reading this.. the kids didn't nap today..

1 comment:

  1. Oh. My. Goodness. HYSTERICAL! Pls DO post the funny things on FB!
