Tuesday, November 16, 2010

And then things got weird....

I was VERY excited that I remembered to bring the reusable grocery bags to the store..
I had bought them..
swearing to Court that I would use them..
Because it's easier to trek up our stairs when the groceries are in those bags..

But oddly enough, it's hard to use them when they are under the sink..
and you are at the grocery store...

So the fact that I actually remembered them was a big step for me...

In front of me, the store clerk was engaged in a heated political discussion...
To give you an idea of the conversation...
Here where some key phrases..
forgetting the little people..
rich get richer...
hurting the working people...
And then this:
"Those socialist hippies with their reusable bags, who think they are better than me!"

I could either use the bags..
because they make our life easier...
Hide them..
and cowardly use plastic...

I used plastic..
Way to stand tall, Kara..
Way to stand..


  1. Aw come on! You should have said "Excuse me, this hippy needs to get going because I have better things to do than to stand here and.." LOL!

    PS- I hear ya on those dumb things! I went to the trouble to putting a hook on the basement door to hang them...hmm...might have been better to hang the hook in my car then I might use them lol!

  2. Hahahaha! I probably wouldve been a coward too.
