Monday, October 5, 2009

The Poster children.....

There are those people who toss around the terms mommy's boy and daddy's girl to describe their relationship with their parents.
I was never one of those people.
I actually like both of my parents. I was pretty sure that my kids would buck the system as well.
They did not.
They are the poster children of "Mommy's boy" and "Daddy's girl".
This morning was a perfect example.
Court had to bring someone to the airport early this morning and I had to be at work. So we chose to "Divide and Conquer".
Court took Gibson because he was awake and I had Aria.
A little bit after they left my little Ari-belle woke up and was calling from her crib.. Da Da Da Da.
I thought little of it because she calls me dada often, and just assumed she wanted anyone to come and get her.
I assumed wrong.
Instead of the smiling, happy greeting I was expecting, she threw herself on her belly wailing DA DA DA DA!!! Her little legs kicking, her face turning beet red.
After all my consoling efforts failed miserably I called Court on the blackberry and put him on Speaker.
She IMMEDIATELY calmed down when she heard her dada's voice (It was very cute when she lifted her arms up to the phone and said "up")

Meanwhile across town (stuck in traffic)
Gibson decided he needed to see his Mommy.
Right then.
He started chanting.
Then crying.
Then my poor little sweetie worked himself up so much he threw up.
The only thing that consoled him was looking at pictures of me from Court's blackberry.

The moral of this story is three fold.
First, there IS such a thing as a Mommy's Boy and Daddy's girl
Second, the winners of the divide and conquer routine will most likely be the kids.
Lastly, Blackberry's can save lives/sanity.

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