A theory about Mondays and why they are so awful.
Granted I do not have a master in "Mondayolgy" or "Mondayitis" as it is sometimes called.
But I have seen a few Mondays in my day, and sadly not many of them have been pleasant.
So this is where my theory evolved.
No one likes Mondays this is a known fact... check facebook or twitter on a Monday and you will get the normal "groan it's Monday.." response.
Well lets face it, would you be the life of the party if everyone was "oh no so and so is here."?
I think not.
So it actually makes perfect sense why Mondays are perfectly awful.
Because they get a perfectly awful welcome.
So along with my theory I hatched a plan.
On Mondays we would do all the things we do on Fridays.(because lets face it we don't need incentive to enjoy Fridays)
I would be positive about the day.
I would randomly exclaim THANK GOODNESS IT'S MONDAY! (this one got me a few dirty looks)
Have a special breakfast.
Go out for lunch.
Have homemade pizza for dinner..
We tried it this week and I have to admit, Monday was quite enjoyable.
Tuesday on the other hand...... well thats another post.
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