Saturday, August 29, 2009

Silly faces and crazy hair

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This is Gibster
He is awesome

I love your crazy hair
I love your freshly cut big boy hair
I love when your laugh
I love how you laugh at everything your sister does
I love how you love to dance
I love how you love to dance in the middle of any store
(but gap is your favorite to dance in, it must have good music)
I love how you love your pink blanket
I love how you taught Aria how to do sign language
I love that you make up songs
I love your feet
And how even though they don't smell {yet} you always call them stinky feet
I love how you think mommy can kiss anything better
I love how you wrestle with dad
I love how you watch out for your sister
I love it when you color
Even when you color on my couch
(Because it really does look like Elmo)
I love how you want me to read you books over and over again
I love how much you love your light up shoes
I love how excited you get to ride in the car
I love how excited you get when we are all done riding in the car
I just love how excited you get about everything
I love the names you make up for things.
Because leelee is a great name for a blanket, and Austria is a great name to call an aunt
I love how you really think I can't see you when you cover your eyes.
I love how right now you are singing "Twinkle, Twinkle" with Aria
I love my Gibson.

1 comment:

  1. You described our little guy perfectly.... I love how when I am there he comes in and calls (singin).... "Memaw, Memaw, Memaw where are you?"
