Monday, August 31, 2009

Love and Marriage.....

I have a lot of faults.
I can admit that. (sometimes)
I know that I can be negative.
I know I can be unforgiving.
I know that often times I lack grace.

I know my husband has faults.
I can admit that.(all too frequently)
But I know he is one of the most optimistic people I know.
He is forgiving.
He is very gracious to his wife.

I also know every Marriage has its faults.
I can admit that. (actually everyone admits that)
But I think that is the point. God uses two faulty people living with each other everyday to build habits of grace and forgiveness.

So I am dedicating mondays to marriage.
Just because the people are faulty it doesn't make the plan faulty.
Love does not seek it's own.

(props to my brother for the idea of marriage monday)

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