Wednesday, October 12, 2011

End of a era...

When Court and I first got married..
we decide one thing..
we would never own a van...
we also had a five year plan that involved us not having kids until we had been married 5 years.
We are going to celebrate our six year anniversary in January, and we have 3 kids. Yeah, we are awesome at plans.

we didn't want to be a van family.
But 3 kids and a new house later..
we decided 
we wanted to be a family that feeds their children..

we bought a 16 year old van.

And honestly..
We LOVED that thing..
Her name was Yolanda Vega..
and she was a champ...
Even after we got in an accident..
and it looked like she was set on by an Elephant.
She was an awesome fam van..

But sadly..
Today we are saying goodbye to our Yolanda...

Court and I will miss her,
The kids will miss her,
(They cried for the first few days when we couldn't drive her)
The people at the stoplight next to us who always gave us strange looks,
probably because she sounded like she could explode any second..
will miss her,

So in honor of our Yolanda..
Here is the lady our Yolanda was named after...
 I warn you,
you will not able able to stop saying Yolanda Vega
after watching these videos..
You're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. ha! You sound like me, we didn't want kids for a few years (ended up with honeymoon baby) and my husband accidentally wrecked my two door hatchback, I refused a mini van so I now have this huge ford, the ones cops drive. I call it my "mom car" ha ha
