Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Embrace the ride..

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Riding the roller coaster was one of my favorite moments with my little girl...
She had ridden the ride 2 times already with her Auntie..
While I was standing with Baby Jack,
She came running out..
Face so excited..
"Momma, come with me!"
So I went..
and as we RAN through the line..
She kept telling me what to expect..
How awesome it was..
That I HAD to raise my hands..

In that special moment..
where my little girl..
was so precious and sweet..
I also saw a grown up side to Ari..
One who was willing to take risk..
Wanting to do things on her one..
I saw her wonderful brave personality shine through..
And as much as I want her to stay little..
I saw a glimpse of big Aria..
And I realized..
I liked her very much..

side note: this was the only time my hands were up during the ride, they were wrapped around Ari the whole time.. partly because she is so little and partly because I am a chicken.. I am scared of a roller coaster that goes 3 feet off the ground..for real.


  1. What a fun picture! My daughters first roller coaster ride was with her Dada she was bouncing around too. She had a look of slight horror on her face but she loves them now!

  2. What fun! Your daughter sounds awesome :)

  3. how fun--a little risk, and a lot of sweet memories! :)

  4. aww, I'm glad someone was able to capture that moment for you! Fun picture! :)

  5. So sweet! Precious little girl and I love her face alongside you in this pic

  6. Awesome picture and memory!!

  7. I love it....wait til she's big enough for the BIG kid roller coasters..they still make my heart go pitter patter when my kids ride them!

  8. fantastic picture! looks like fun!

  9. OMG, how fun! What a great picture for memories.

  10. I love that you caught this picture. That is a special moment!

  11. Absolutely adorable! That picture is so great, what a wonderful memory!

  12. How cute is that photo!!!!!!!!
    Love this post...such sweet writing :)

  13. wow this is such a cool shot captured! so much fun

  14. SO sweet! Love the picture and the words!

  15. Way to be a brave Mama! Great pic and what fantastic memories!

  16. ha ha, looks like too much fun.

  17. What a cute picture! I don't like rollercoasters either- even kiddie ones!!
