Monday, April 25, 2011


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This weekend was amazing...
But sometimes
It was well worth it though..
I love Easter..

The power of death swallowed up in the hope of our Savior
All fear overcome in the light of Him
All of our sin covered up in the love of our Savior
Set free by your grace made alive in Your righteousness

At the cross where You took my place..
In Your power..
You abandoned the Grave..
Your's is the Victory..
Your's alone..

But today..
we relaxed..
We got caught up on some chores..
Court did some laundry..
we went to go grocery shopping..
and then decided we were all too tired..
to grocery shop..
so we got hamburgers instead..
that was completely responsible, right?

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. A mother wants to hear you are taking time to relax, rest, recharge, refresh. Love you all!!!
