Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Busy Busy days...

  These past few weeks have been..
filled with..
  1.  laundry... and more laundry stacking up because the bat in the basement is elusive. bat on the loose= me boycotting basement and laundry.
  2. Creative clothing choices..as a result of limited clean clothes
  3. A little girl who is potty trained....YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Nights of prayer...at our church for Easter services and our community..
  5. we have even managed to sneak in 2 date nights....
  6. cleaning, meetings, grocery shopping, baby showers, getting settled from our trip, cooking, errands, church, crafts, school, busy.
Because of all this
today is a comfy day.
well probably mostly because the whole running out of clean clothes thing..

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