Tuesday, April 20, 2010

In a nutshell

I feel like I have a lot to catch up on here.
I haven't been able to blog because my power cord on my computer went kaput
and thus my computer no longer works.
Moment of silence for my computer
Even though, lets be honest she has done this to me before.. remember this.
So anyways there is a lot to catch up with..
Let me try to sum it all up in a nutshell..
Went to Mexico
Had an amazing time in Mexico
Came home, Court bought me a great gift (more about that later)
Found a house
Bought a house
Got chicken pox
Gibson got chicken pox
Aria has chicken pox...
Close on our house at the end of the month..

And oh yeah we are having another baby...

So I will leave you to digest all that
And to enjoy the pretty picture of Aria from Easter.

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