Court and I were friends awhile before we dated... then we dated awhile before anyone really knew.. then we got engaged and married quickly, go figure. But Court says that he knew he loved me a long time before he asked me out.
He knew we would end up together.
On a study trip to Paris he said he never even took his camera out of his bag because I was taking pictures and he knew we would end up getting married and he would have all the pictures he wanted from that trip... (Ok tearing up again but at lest this one is over real life.)
I am a pretty blessed girl.
So in honor of my reminiscing post I added a picture of Court and me a few days after we got engaged. We both look so young and I look a little bit like a frightened Chihuahua, so excuse that please.
Awww! And i teared up at the preview too :) Cant wait to watch it. You know whats the funniest part about this post though? Ive been telling Mike for a couple yrs now that Jim reminds me of Court!! hahaha!