Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Pirate's life for me..

AHOY me mateys today is Talk Like a pirate day. ARGGHH............
Ok, I really don't have enough knowledge of the pirate lingo to talk like a pirate all day... Me thinks the land dwellers would be a getting sick of all me pirate talk.. (see it has been one sentence and you are sick of it already).
But I still want to celebrate the day because my two year old boy thinks pirates are pretty cool. And I think my two year old (and one year old and husband, also) are pretty cool.... And yes I did dress in pirate like boots. And no I am not ashamed of it.

Backyardigan finger puppets
Scary pirate mommy

Good Pirate impersonation Dad!
This Picture of Pirate Boy is blurry but still cute

Happy Pirate Day!!!!
NOTE:I could not post this on the actually day because my computer still has issues with me, don't worry though we did celebrate Pirate day on the correct day... No need to have me and me mateys walk the plank..argh... Ok I am done now.. got that out of my system.

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