Thursday, August 27, 2009

For Court..

There is something very relaxing about just watching a movie at the end of the day. After dinner is cooked,consumed, and cleaned up. The kids are fed, bathed and settled into bed. Its very nice to just watch a movie with my hubby.
That being said we have had awful luck lately picking out good movies. And I don't just mean the movies were bad in a "Oh I didn't enjoy that movie so much" way. But in a "I can not believe how disgusting and pointless this is, we need to turn it off!" way. So you can imagine our hesitation in watching a movie with two actors that we really enjoy. I mean, what if Jim from The office and Danny from Oceans Eleven are horrid! Could we ever watch beloved show/movie again? I was a little worried to say the lest.
Fortunately, we both enjoyed it. It was funny, quirky and a nice little movie. AND it was centered around football, which hello, is the best sport. However I did disappoint my husband some when he asked me one thing I really liked about the movie and I said Renee Zellweger's clothes. I don't know what he expected.. I like clothes..he knows this. So all and all it was a good flick. But now I have a question for you..

We've got to fill up our Netflix Queue with some new movies. Any suggestions???


  1. Robin Hood Season 1 & 2 from BBC, Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless mine, Down with Love, Hook (Robin Williams.. need I say more?) remember the titans, Batman Begins/Dark Knight

  2. Hello! Btw, my name is Laura. I live in VA and your husband and his family used to visit my next door neighbor/his great aunt every summer when he was a kid. We would spend copious amounts of time exploring the marsh in the backyard and "claiming" land and building forts and becoming ridiculously muddy or on rainy days, Mortal Combat was always a day maker. Mrs. Rhodes was the best :) So nice to meet you!
